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Popcorn Kitchen brings splash of colour to premium popcorn fixture via the arrival of Rainbow Sweet & Salt


8/7/2024 6:38:00 PM

Product Development

3 mins read

Standing tall and proud at 51cm, it’s fair to say that Popcorn Kitchen’s Giant Moneybox Bottles have become something of a perennial focal point for one of the UK’s most eye-catching premium popcorn providers, a forthright artisanal operation whose retail interests now extend to outlets as diverse as: indie stores, food halls, farm shops, garden centres, book shops, hotels (the Ritz), the high street (New Look) and high-profile hamper operators.


This Christmas sees the eagerly anticipated arrival of Popcorn Kitchen’s iconic Rainbow Sweet & Salt offer, using only vegan-friendly natural colourings, which will put extra ping into any festive treats display, as the ultimate ‘under tree must OR ‘stocking filler.’


According to Popcorn Kitchen founder, Louise Monk, ‘We’ve always wanted to have a vibrant, multi-coloured offer within our giant bottles selection but wanted to bide our time to ensure we created a natural-coloured creation that looked neither brash or synthetic and which didn’t compromise the all-important product in terms of taste and crunch.   Clearly, when you have the scope to showcase popcorn in eye-catching receptacles as striking as our giant bottles it makes sense to prioritise an iconic popcorn flavour that always turns heads. 


Rainbow Bottles 550g £23.99


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